What is a flashmob?
the term, coined in 2003, indicates a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse.
Therefore a Flash mob is sociality (group of people), motion (public space), and a little crazy (unusual act).
Why organizing a flash mob?
For many different reasons: for fun, love, to protest, to promote and almost every time to attract attention.
How do you organize a flash mob?
Usually with a choreography of as many people as you can, dancing to something specific;
such as the famous video clip Thriller by Michael Jackson or any other well known song or soundtrack.
A flash mob can also be organized by simply creating something both funny and surprising, for example a large gathering of people in a public square for a pillow fight!
If it has been
organized for fun, it is successful when all the participants have had fun; if
it was a promotional event, when those who participated or watched the flash
mob, will remember the promotional purpose; in other words, when it completely
satisfies the purpose of its execution.
There is only one characteristic that must be respected every time: the element of surprise. It doesn’t matter how you organize it and execute it, the purpose is always to surprise and entertain those who happen to be there.
Here an example of some of the numerous flash mobs available on the web:
From these examples and from the inspiration of the creator of several flash mobs, comes the idea of an innovative TV format, based on a flash mob competition. The challenge: to organize a flash mob following specific themes with two different teams facing each other; the final execution will be judged by well-defined criteria.